Tuesday 14 March 2017

Ble-Beacons with Indoor Positioning System | How it Works and Transform the User Experience

GPS Satellite technology become publicly available in late 90’s and popularly used for navigation in various sectors and technical fields. This GPS System is extremely poor for indoor navigation in buildings, railways and airports etc. to combat this need there is a sudden need to resort other method to implement the IPS Indoor Positioning System for such places with higher number of visitors and large spaces to be navigated. Indoor positioning system played a major role in people lives; almost every individual has a positioning device like mobile, tablets, GPS Tracking devices etc. the GPS System recolonized the outdoor positioning system, but with trends in technology new possibilities emerge for indoor navigation and GPS signals don’t work with indoor.

Indoor positioning system trending and standardized the overall user experience in Indoors. People spent their huge time in indoor in buildings, shopping malls, stadiums, airports museums theme park, where these could bring great benefits to people. Indoor positioning system with ble beacons can benefits many people with way finding and navigate easily in big malls, this could definitely revolutionize navigation indoor. Indoor navigation given valuable benefits to organization with more gathering customers and increses in sales, with location based advertising and many more features.

Some Indoor Positioning Technology

Ble-beacons - BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices this devices broadcasts different and deep information to nearby portable devices. The technology enables smartphones, tablets and other devices to perform actions when in close proximity to a beacon. Also called as ble beacons having log battery life with small physical device which do not require external energy source.

WI-Fi- used a similar way of ble beacons, but require external power source with more setup cost. The signal power is stronger than Ble beacons and can cover more distance.

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