Thursday 23 February 2017

Beacons for indoor navigation: How it happens actually?

With the technology advancements, we can see a lot of flip flops in Bluetooth market as well. Well Bluetooth is not a new trend; it’s been in the market since 1990. But recent years of digitization have shown different application scenarios to this Bluetooth also. The energy saving Bluetooth version BLE is the recent example. Apple with ibeacons and Google with Eddystones have adopted this advanced Bluetooth technology.
Beacons have been in boom since its launch back in 2013. Now these small transmitters have become a part of life with their increasing usage in indoor navigation. Since GPS doesn’t support indoor navigation, these Bluetooth enabled devices are a good alternative for the purpose.
Indoor Navigation with Bluetooth Beacons!
Bluetooth Beacons can transmit signals within an indoor perimeter of 30 meters, but they can’t receive them back. They are relatively cheap and can rup upon button cells upto 2 years. But the accuracy remains up to 1 meter only. In a client based application several beacons are installed inside a building. They exchange unique signals among them with which the app having beacon determines the position. And then beacons take required action like displaying an advertisement or offering some coupon.
Application Areas of Beacon Indoor Navigation!
Stationery trading is the most common niche that uses Beacon for indoor navigation. They act like a bridge between the online and offline world and there they are supposed to increase sales by using coupons or advertisements. Apart from this, we can also see its involvement in museum and trade fairs.

CCD’S, Restaurants, Hotels is the best place to use the beacons and convert more customers by giving offers, discounts, coupons and many more services when they pass out within your outlets. Indoor navigation Beacons are gaining more and more attention in retail and food industry. But food service (cafe, restaurants) industry must look at some real-time applicability of Beacons. Because we believe, if there is a way to seduce your customer with the aroma of their favorite coffee or burger even without entering inside your outlet, your sales will boost significantly.   
With Beacon indoor navigation you can analyze how a visitor flows and base on that analysis, products can be arranged accordingly and walking route can be optimized. Technical advancements have opened up a lot of opportunities to provide customers,visitors, employees, patients and even travelers too a lot of information on their demand.

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