Wednesday 25 January 2017

How retailers can take advantage of Ibeacons?

In June, 2013 Apple introduced the Beacon concept and from then till today Beacons are generating huge buzz around the world. iBeacon technology, a new technology standard of Apple, can help mobile devices to track their position by using low-frequency bluetooth transmission. The concept of reacting according to the signal received from physical world is so widely accepted that every niche from retail stores to malls, to events and to museums everywhere you can witness the involvement of this technique. Infact these are becoming more frequent as time rolls on.
Among a number of early adopters of iBeacon technology there is one sector that always stands out: Retailers. Yeah, you heard it right, our own retail sector! Beacons are no doubt a smart move towards the local marketing. So let’s see how our modern retail stores can take advantage of this technology:

       Asking for customer feedbacks is one of the most tedious tasks for a retailer. But with iBeacon, they can trigger a push notification in the app that travel in mobile form to people when they are in the stores and ask for their experience towards the service they get in the store. The information is then stored in a form of report which is further analysed by managers to fill in the gaps where the improvement is needed.
       Indoor mappings and guides is another benefit that a Beacon provides. Big malls having multiple sections confuse customers and they face delays to get their favorite stores. iBeacon technology here make it easy for us to find our ways indoor.
       This Apple feature displays an information related to a product when you make pass to that product. It may be in the form of a video on a phone instead of some boring usual manual or guide thing.

So you can see these are some of the awesome benefits a retailer can offer to its visitors by using ufobeacon with this amazing feature of Apple. There must be more ways that a retailer could benefit from. Leave your opinions and use cases that you find useful below in the comments.